Inspiring Hearts

The pain of the past does not have to be today’s reality.

Lisa’s captivating messages of triumph over obstacles are filled with practical insights for every audience. Each one calls her audience to action, elevating their awareness and confidence to face their fears, confront their past, and answer their true calling. Her story is an inspiring example of how we can break free from destructive patterns before those patterns break us, and before we perpetuate a cycle of hurt and damage.


Lisa Niel is an ambassador of hope, healing, and wholeness. Her own story begins with longing for love and acceptance from her mother who, while withholding love for Lisa, nurtured, affirmed, praised, and adored her twin sister. This unmet longing invited fear, shame and abandonment that shaped Lisa through her childhood. However, her story did not end there! Once debilitated by fear, depression, and denial, Lisa now lives a life of power, confidence, and purpose. This extraordinary transformation is the passion that fuels her bold mission to teach others that we can break free from unhealthy patterns of our past and unravel the knots of denial those patterns create. Lisa is a transformational speaker, trainer, and coach who has a magnetic way of connecting and relating to people from all over the world. Her extraordinary story of transformation from a life of debilitating fear, timidity, anxiety, depression, and homelessness to one of power, confidence, and purpose is the inspiration behind her bold mission to help others explore and become who they truly are so they can experience the power, the passion, and the promise of their true purpose and calling; living a fulfilling and abundant life that make a global impact and leaves a lasting legacy.

Lisa is a leader of leaders who has the persona, message, knowledge, and experience from her real-life stories that address the issues and pain points of our personal and professional lives. A level five extravert and master storyteller, her captivating messages of triumph over obstacles are filled with practical, penetrating, and powerful insights for every audience across the globe. She not only teaches but embodies how to have a new mindset, a new awareness, and a new capacity to live and work with confidence and to effect change in the world.

Lisa is a first-generation legacy MBA graduate with academic distinction from University of Redlands and a Fellow of the Whitehead Leadership Society. As an international speaker, she has traveled to Africa five times, among other countries, within the last five years as a conference keynote speaker and trainer in leadership, overcoming adversity, and doing business God’s way. Her professional background includes 25 years of experience in the private and public sector as a community advocate, entrepreneur, transformational coach, facilitator, trainer, and mentor. Her business acumen includes former corporate real estate advisor, and vice president in real estate finance, and business owner of Lisa Niel Inspiring Hearts, a personal and professional company. Her most treasured and passionate pursuit has been through the work and ministry of Inspiring Hearts, a faith-based global 501(c)3 charitable corporation of which she is Founder and CEO. Most near and dear to Lisa’s heart is her husband, children, and granddaughter. She and her husband, Doug, live in North County San Diego where they work as a team mentoring, teaching, and transforming lives together.

Lisa Niel empowers others to take ownership of their attitudes, thoughts, and emotions, uncovering a transformational process of self-discovery.

 Her spirit of strength and warm engaging style lights up audiences as she imparts the lessons she learned along her incredible journey. Those who cross her path are empowered to harness the audacity to put their past on notice that they are now free to soar. They are awakened to their innate ability to effect change in the world and be the leader they were born to be.

A World-Class Speaker

A world-class speaker, Lisa’s spirit of strength and warm engaging style lights up audiences as she imparts the lessons she learned along her incredible journey. Her power-packed and passion-filled messages will speak to your heart, awaken your spirit, and provoke your mind to put your past on notice that you are now free to soar!

A free-lance writer, blogger, and author in the making, Lisa’s gift of communicating her own experience connects with people at a heart level from all over the world. Her writings translate into real life stories that capture the heart of her readers, and embark them on an incredible journey with all the twists, turns, falls, and climbs to victory. Stay tuned for her upcoming book, “Patterns …Breaking loose from anxiety and fear to live the life you were meant to live.”

Lisa’s messages, group coaching and online programs will take you on a powerful journey of self discovery that unlocks, uncovers, and unleashes the essence of who you truly are and what you were born to do.

What Others have to say about Lisa Niel

Lisa will guide you on a journey of transformation, growth, healing, and most importantly hope! She is truly a gift and has been such an inspiration in my life and so many others. I am so excited for you to take this journey with Lisa! You will have a life-changing experience!
Kelley Cassel
Carlsbad, CA
Lisa Niel is a gem with a rare ability to inspire and equip you with the courage needed to master life's challenges and discover your innate power. As a coach and motivational speaker, she is both captivating and down to earth.
Daniel Aguas
Carlsbad, CA
Lisa Niel is one of the most AMAZING women I have met in my entire LIFE!!" She is absolutely a transformative woman. Her story will absolutely blow your mind! If you have never heard Lisa speak and tell her story, you must hear it! You will laugh, you will cry, you will be shocked, and you will be transformed by this wonderful speaker!
Sheri Nasim
San Diego, CA
As an author, public speaker, podcaster, blogger, nonprofit, founder, and missionary, I would not be where I am today if it were not for Lisa Niel! Lisa's principles work! You can trust Lisa. Her goal in life is to help others unlock the key to their destiny!
Pamela Mabry
San Diego, CA
Lisa immediately makes an impact! Her high energy, insightful intelligence and dynamic personality come right through the lens! She has words of wisdom and compassion to share that is so needed in our world near and far! I love her compelling voice that radiates comfort and confidence!
Lauren Hasson
San Diego, CA
Listening to Lisa speak, pouring out her heart while she shares her story, is an experience I will never forget. I got caught up in her story and was so emotionally connected. She speaks of truth, vulnerability, and HOPE!
Sandy Byers
Encinitas, CA
Lisa Niel has an incredible gift to draw out the gold inside of people! She has helped so many OWN who they are and what they were created to do! We all have dreams in our hearts and a purpose for our lives, and Lisa will help you discover how to bring them both into reality!
April Santos
San Diego, CA
Lisa Niel is a special person. She has the ability to help you find your purpose; the power to restore confidence within you; and the patience to stick with you through the journey of transformation! God is the source of her strength and ability, and she won’t hesitate to let you know that.
Quincy Brooks
Perris, CA